Past Webinars

ProPak Philippines 2021 ep3 Webinar: “Importance of Barcodes, Labelling and Marking in Businesses”
We see barcodes and labels in almost everything that we purchase. But do we really know what it’s for? Learn the importance of these barcodes, labelling and marking as GS1 Philippines and DTI – Bureau of Philippine Standards discuss the types and functions of these codes.

ProPak Philippines 2021 ep2 Webinar: “Packaging Industry Outlook for 2021”
Two of the most valuable packaging associations — Packaging Institute of the Philippines and Australian Institute of Packaging will talk about the packaging industry outlook for 2021.

ProPak Philippines 2021 ep1 Webinar: “Smart Packaging in the New Normal”
Active & Intelligent Packaging Industry Association and ScanTrust will tackle more information about smart packaging and how it can be used in the new normal.

ProPak Philippines ep5 Webinar: “MSMEs: Overcoming Challenges to Succeed on the Road to Recovery”
Pandemic hits everyone, especially the MSMEs. Let’s get to know how to get through the challenges they are facing because of COVID-19. We will be having DTI, Avant Equinox and the Association of Laguna Food Processors Inc. to speak about this topic.

ProPak Philippines ep4 Webinar: “Packaging of Fresh Produced Food: Meat, Fruits & Vegetables”
Get to know the proper handling and packaging of meat, fruits and vegetables as Asian Packaging Federation, Multivac and Philippine Association of Food Technologists Inc. talk about these fresh produced food in terms of packaging.

ProPak Philippines ep3 Webinar: “Packaging Alternatives during COVID-19 Pandemic”
COVID-19 made everyone more careful when it comes to anything. Our speakers from the Central Philippine University, and Multivac will help us identify the packaging alternatives during this pandemic.

ProPak Philippines ep2 Webinar: “Philippines’ Packaging Trends: The Essentials of Safe and Sustainable Packaging”
We invited Philippine Alliance for Recycling and Materials Sustainability and Australian Institute of Packaging together with the World Packaging Organisation to discuss safe and sustainable packaging in the Philippine setting.

ProPak Philippines ep1 Webinar: “Emerging Trends in Processing and Packaging during Pandemic”
Learn the emerging trends in processing and packaging through our invited speakers from the Asian Packaging Federation and Philippine Association of Food Technologists Inc.